Friday, April 29, 2011

Puppy PIC:

Here's one of our random photo capture together! ;D

That Saturday...

Wow. All my plans had to change that Saturday, 23rd April 2011...unforgettable!
  1. I was supposed to go to school for Merentas Desa but woke up dizzy and feverish.
  2. I intended to go to Kulim that evening (!!) but I had a fever. :'(
Well, never may plan but it is God who decides. No one can disagree to this. Felt so terrible, especially during the night! But I did get a lot of well wishes though and prayers of recovery too! So kind of you guys. I personally thank you all here! Thanks so much!

Here's a short reminder of the day!
It's true what they say, you don't know what you're missing till you've lost it. So, never take even the smallest things for granted!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pen swipes!

Failed in an!

It's all random!! Tell me what you think! :D